Canada’s efforts to save the endangered North Atlantic right whale | A Morning with the Experts
Last week the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and Our Daily Planet hosted a dialogue on the progress made, and challenges still ahead, in Canada’s efforts to protect the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale, a species vulnerable to both entanglement and ship strikes and on the brink of extinction.
In a bid to save the species, key stakeholders in Canada including the fishing and shipping industries, NGOs and the Canadian government have implemented measures to help protect and conserve the right whales, including implementing gear modifications and authorising ropeless fishing gear trials, and slowing down vessels when right whales are detected.
Speakers include Patricia Zaat, Country Director – Canada, IFAW; Moira W. Brown, Research Scientist – Canada, Canadian Whale Institute/Campobello Whale Rescue Team; and Monica Medina, Our Daily Planet. In terms of discussions around disentanglement efforts, listen in from about 27:40.